Statement of Liability
By submitting the form below I agree that I am responsible for any damage to the property beyond normal wear and tear, or any items removed from the property. I understand that $500 of AC allotment will be offered at Impulse Beach Estate $150 of AC allotment at Reef Pearl and any overage would be charged back to me at cost. I understand that I’m responsible in full for any air conditioning costs beyond the allotment, which shall be separately metered. Management will take a meter reading upon arrival and departure. I authorize you to charge my credit card below for any charges incurred. Neither the manager nor owners will be held responsible for any accident or injury to guests or any loss of valuables. I agree to assume all risks and hazards. I agree to waive all claims for compensation following any accident and any right to sue the rental property, company, or its owners.
*Damage to property
We reserve the right to charge guests the cost of rectifying damage, caused by the deliberate, negligent or reckless act of the guest to the villa’s property or structure. Should this damage come to light after the guest has departed, we reserve the right to make a charge to the guest’s credit/debit card, or send an invoice for the amount to the registered address. We will however make every effort to rectify any damage internally prior to contracting specialists to make the repairs, and therefore will make every effort to keep any costs that the guest would incur to a minimum.
**Removal of villa property
We reserve the right to charge guests the cost of replacing any items that are removed from the premises by them without consent. The charge will be the full replacement amount of the missing item(s), including any carriage charges. Should the fact that the item is missing come to light after the guest has departed, we reserve the right to make a charge to the guest’s credit/debit card or send an invoice for the amount to the guest’s registered address.
*I understand that my rental will immediately terminate, without refund for unused nights, and a $5,000 charge shall be levied against my security deposit if I or anyone in my group brings an unauthorized service provider on property (even if the service provider does not come inside).